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I am a lecturer and also IT engineer. But currently I am studying Medical Bioengineering in Kumamoto University, Japan. My research focuses on Facial Perception.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces

Paper by: Nancy Kanwisher and Galit Yovel. 2006

Faces are among the most important visual stimuli we perceive, informing us not only about a person's identity, but also about their mood, sex, age and direction of gaze. The ability to extract this information within a fraction of a second of viewing a face is important for normal social interactions and has probably played a critical role in the survival of our primate ancestors. Considerable evidence from behavioural, neuropsychological and neurophysiological investigations supports the hypothesis that humans have specialized cognitive and neural mechanisms dedicated to the perception of faces (the face-specificity hypothesis). Here, we review the literature on a region of the human brain that appears to play a key role in face perception, known as the fusiform face area (FFA).

Read more: The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces

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